Transkribus User Conference 2017

The first Transkribus User Conference took place at the Technical University Vienna on 2-3 November 2017.

Around 80 attendees came together to share their experiences with Transkribus, hear about the latest advances in Automated Text Recognition and ask developers how their documents could be automatically processed.

You can find further information in the conference programme, videos and presenters’ slides provided below.

Conference programme


Videos (licensed by  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Ingrid Reinhardt)



Presentation slides (licensed by CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Transkribus Users 

Dirk Alvermann and Bruno Blüggel (Universität Greifswald) – working on digital search and display of c.18-19 German documents.

Wout Dillen (University of Antwerp) – working on digital edition of Samuel Beckett’s writings (c.20).

Matthias Boenig and Kay-Michael Würzner (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities) – working on training data to improve recognition of printed text.

Angila Vetter (Universität Augsburg) – working on critical edition of Austrian Bible.

Karen Thöle (University of Göttingen) – working with a heavily abbreviated medieval incunable.

Ramón Valdés Gázquez (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) – working on critical edition of Lope de Vega’s plays.

Deborah Cornell (William & Mary Libraries) – working on transcription of documents from reign of George III (c.18).

Karoline Lemke and Paul Onasch (Universität Rostock)– working on edition of Ernst Barlach’s (c.19) letters.

Dario Kampkaspar (Austrian Academy of Sciences) – working on digital Edition of Wienerisches Diarium newspaper (c.18).

Aleksandar Jerkov (University of Belgrade Library) – working on automated recognition of Cyrillic text.

Eva Lang (Passau Diocesan Archives) – working on processing of tables and forms in church registry documents (c.19).

Presentations from READ project partners

Roger Labahn (Universität Rostock) – Keyword searching and indexing in large collections of handwritten documents

Alejandro Toselli (Universitat Politècnica de València) – Keyword spotting in large scale documents

Gundram Leifert (Universität Rostock) and Tobias Hodel (State Archives of Zurich) – Text2Image matching: how to use existing images and transcripts to produce Automated Text Recognition

Florian Kleber (TU Wien) – Progress through competition: linking humanities data with computer science research

The Transkribus User Conference was organised as part of the READ project.  This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 674943.


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