+ Working with tables in Transkribus? Help has arrived!

Record books, registers, accounts – these are just a few of the hundreds of archival documents that can be laid out in tables and forms.  Although the human eye can easily spot the patterns in these kinds of documents, they often present a challenge for Automated Text Recognition technology.

If you are trying to process tabular documents in Transkribus, we have an updated How to Guide which can help:

The guide explains how to mark up tables using segmentation tools and then export the transcriptions of these tables into Excel.

The new section of the guide focuses on the semi-automatic processing of tables, describing how users can create a table template that can be applied to multiple pages that possess a similar layout.  This new functionality should hopefully make it simpler and quicker to create training data for Automated Text Recognition from documents laid out in tables – good luck!

Image: UCL Special Collections, Bentham Papers, box i, fol. 631.

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