+ Searching more than 100 years of mountaineering history with Transkribus

We are proud to be part of a successful project carried out by the New Zealand Alpine Club and the University of Innsbruck (Linguistic Institute). The complete workflow was done within Transkribus: apart from uploading files and running the text recognition volunteers used the web-based transcription interface from Transkribus to carefully correct all 17,500 pages of the New Zealand Alpine Journal.

In order to make the journal also searchable, Transkribus team members developed a simple but effective web-application, which enables users to browse all issues and to search the full-text of the complete journal. The application runs also very well on a smartphone. All data is hosted by Transkribus.

The project received its funding via the crowd-funding-platform Give a little. People donated about 6 000 NZD, which is a great support.

Check out the web-application for searching the journal editions here.


Foto credit: https://www.nzaj-archive.nz/


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