+ Paper on Transkribus and handwritten text recognition (HTR) in archives now open access

A general paper about Transkribus was published in the Journal of Documentation.  Transforming scholarship in the archives through handwritten text recognition gives an overview of the current use of HTR on archival manuscript material with the help of Transkribus. Several use cases are discussed and therefore the article demonstrates how HTR can affect scholarship and revolutionize the use of digitised heritage content.

The article shows that HTR is an efficient technology, suitable for the work on mass digitisation material. Cooperative models are a further way of sustainable use of the Transkribus platform. The fact, that Transkribus is the only publicly available platform for HTR involves the potential to be path-breaking for institutions as well as individuals by providing information, which wasn’t accessible before. Important note: The article was written in 2018 and therefore figures for recognition rates have improved significantly in the meantime!

Have a look at the article, it will give you an overview about the current use of HTR within a wide archival studies community. Via this link you can access it: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JD-07-2018-0114/full/html

Source: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/alte-b%C3%BCcher-buch-alte-bibliothek-436498/


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