Latin Portuguese Print 17th century

Free Public AI Model for Handwritten Text Recognition with Transkribus

Latin Portuguese Print 17th century

This model is based on the Index of censorship printed by Pedro Craesbeeck, a key Lisbon printer of the early seventeenth century. 
It has been carried out by Hervé Baudry ( as part of the research project  “The relevance of book expurgation in the procedures of the Portuguese Inquisition (1536-1821): a systematic and individualized approach”, realised with the support of CHAM (NOVA FCSH/UAc) through the strategic project sponsored by the National Portuguese Agency for Research (FCT, UIDB/04666/2020).

About 23 000 words have been trained for this model and the CER on the Validation Set is 1.50%.

Model Overview

Latin Portuguese Print 17th century
Hervé Baudry
Model ID:
Latin, Portuguese, Spanish
Latin alphabet
CER on validation set:
1.50 %
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Latin Portuguese Print 17th century is freely available to everyone

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You can use this model to automatically transcribe Print documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus. This model can be used in the Transkribus Expert Client as well as in Transkribus Lite.
This AI model was trained to automatically convert text from images of historical Latin alphabet documents into editable and searchable text.