German Fraktur 19th-20th century

Free Public AI Model for Handwritten Text Recognition with Transkribus

German Fraktur 19th-20th century

Thanks to the Library Labs of the Austrian National Library and the NewsEye project we are happy to announce the release of a free model which is capable to read German Fraktur documents especially from the 19th and 20th century in a convincing quality outperforming most standard OCR engines. The model is based on training data coming from the ANNO collection of the Austrian National Library and comprises 442.121 words. It shows a CER of 1,0% on the training set and 1,1% on the test set without any dictionary support. Note: the model is trained on German language documents. It will provide less convincing results for other languages, such as Swedish or Finnish Fraktur. However models for these languages are also in preparation and may be released in the coming months. The Fraktur model is available for every registered user in Transkribus and called: ONB _Newseye_GT_M1+. Have fun!

Model Overview

Austrian National Library and NewsEye project
Model ID:
19th, 20th
Gothic Script
CER on validation set:
1.1 %
Simply upload a picture and test this model

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ONB_Newseye_GT_M1+ is freely available to everyone

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You can use this model to automatically transcribe Print documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus. This model can be used in the Transkribus Expert Client as well as in Transkribus Lite.
This AI model was trained to automatically convert text from images of historical Gothic Script documents into editable and searchable text.