+ Meet the READ project partners – Tobias Hodel

What’s your name?

Tobias Hodel.











Where do you work?

State Archives of Zurich.

Tell us a bit about your background…

I have a PhD in History from the University of Zurich.  I’m interested in all things digital (history, humanities, archiving).  I like to travel to new places, especially when visiting other partners in the READ project.

What is your role in the READ project?

Connecting the world of (digital) archives and scholars with the possibilities offered by READ.

What is top of your to-do list at the moment?

Evaluating models trained for Handwritten Text Recognition, scaling tests using material from the archives and contacting interested parties to tell them about READ and the Transkribus tool.

What do you like best about working on READ?

Getting to work on a regular basis with people with different backgrounds and diverse research interests.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

President of the United States (if it’s similar to House of Cards!)

What can you see out of the window of your office? 


Thanks Tobias! 


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