+ Heading to the IMC 2017? Come to our workshop on Handwritten Text Recognition!

If you’re headed to the International Medieval Congress this year, you might be interested to know that we are running a parallel workshop on Handwritten Text Recognition at the University of Leeds.

On the morning of Wednesday 5th July, we will give an overview of the latest advances in this technology and show participants how they can work with our Transkribus tool to train a computer to automatically process a set of documents of any language, date, style or format.  You can consult the programme for more information.  To register, please email Tobias Hodel.

Look out for us at the IMC too!  The READ project is also presenting a panel on Monday 3 July, where we will discuss how we have started to apply Handwritten Text Recognition to different sorts of early documents  from 15th-century missives in early modern German to sacramental registers and Brigittine charters.


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