+ Georgian Papers Programme working with Transkribus

The Georgian Papers Programme is an exciting collaboration between King’s College London and the Royal Collection Trust, along with US partners Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture and William & Mary.

The project is cataloguing, digitising and making available manuscripts relating to the reign of the British King George III (1760-1820).  In doing so, it aims to enhance public understanding of the monarchy during an important period of British history.

The Georgian Papers Programme has begun to work with Transkribus in order to train Handwritten Text Recognition engines to process some of these papers.  Justin Clement from the Transcription team has produced a Prezi demonstration explaining how the Georgian papers are being transcribed in our Transkribus platform.  Transcripts created in Transkribus can be shared with users and also used as training data for Handwritten Text Recognition technology.

Georgian Papers in Transkribus – Image from Prezi by Justin Clement

This training data will ultimately make it possible for computers to automatically transcribe and search these documents, thereby making them much more accessible.  We look forward to seeing how this project develops!


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