Transkribus German Kurrent

Free Public AI Model for Handwritten Text Recognition with Transkribus

Transkribus German Kurrent

This model can decipher a wide range of German Kurrent, Sütterlin and Fraktur scripts from 17th to the 20th century. The training data set includes about 3 million words and has a CER on the validation set of 5.40%.

Although this model recognises Fraktur (i.e., a print script), we do not recommend to use it on purely or mainly printed material. Better suited for that are our print-only models (‘Transkribus Print’), which cost fewer credits per quantity processed and will also deliver better results for purely printed material.

Model Overview

Transkribus German Kurrent
Transkribus Team
Model ID:
17th, 18th, 19th, 20th
German Kurrent, Sütterlin, Fraktur
CER on validation set:
5.4 %
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Transkribus German Kurrent is freely available to everyone

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You can use this model to automatically transcribe Handwritten documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus. This model can be used in the Transkribus Expert Client as well as in Transkribus Lite.
This AI model was trained to automatically convert text from images of historical German Kurrent, Sütterlin, Fraktur documents into editable and searchable text.