We are 100+!

With the start of 2022 we hit another milestone: More than 100 institutions and private persons are now members of READ-COOP. This is fully in line with with why we are a co-operative:

Achieve together what one cannot do alone.

A co-operative society, like we are, combines the best of two worlds. We can be active in the market like a company and earn profits, and at the same time we are democratically organised like an association and headed by a board of directors elected by our members.

All our profits are re-invested towards our common goal: revolutionising handwritten text recognition and empowering users. There is no distribution of monetary profits or short-sighted business practices.

We are thrilled, that so many share this vision and want to actively be part of the organisation behind Transkribus. If you want to know how you can join, read more here.

Next stop: 200 members 🤞

Driving the historical documents revolution, together 🤝💪


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