+ Videos of READ presentations

If you want to find out more about READ, you can now watch the READ partners live in action!  Videos of presentations made at the co:op project’s ‘Technology meets Scholarship’ conference in January 2016 are now available.

Text transcripts and slides from the READ presentations are available here: https://readcoop.eu/2016/03/31/presentations-from-the-read-partners-now-available/

Videos of the READ presentations can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLElrWLCQvZaRny2G_gXAINGpCtNrpPBBO

For an introduction to HTR technology, try watching Dr Roger Labahn (University of Rostock) on ‘Handwritten Text Recognition.  Key Concepts’: https://youtu.be/3d-Iru6qLRc


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