+ Watch videos from the first Transkribus User Conference

We had lots of interest in our first Transkribus User Conference and anyone who missed it can now catch up by watching videos of the presentations.

On 2-3 November 2017, around 80 Transkribus users met in Vienna to hear about the latest research in automated text recognition and discuss their experiences of the Transkribus platform.  The conference included 11 presentations given by users from different archives, universities and research groups who talked about how they had been working with Transkribus on various kinds of documents and projects, from transcription and scholarly editing, to the recognition of non-Western scripts and printed texts.

Attendees at the Transkribus User Conference 2017. Image by Ingrid Reinhardt CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

You can now view a playlist of videos from the conference at the Transkribus YouTube channel or watch them individually below.

These videos were filmed and edited by Ingrid Reinhardt.  Our thanks go to Ingrid Reinhardt and to the Computer Vision Lab at the Technical University Vienna for hosting the conference.

You can find the videos, along with presentation slides and the conference programme on the conference webpage.

And look out for our announcement of the second Transkribus User Conference – coming soon!

Transkribus – some considerations on the status quo and future plans

Transkribus in Practice – Reports from users

Keyword Searching and Indexing

Transkribus in Practice – More reports from users Part 1

Transkribus in Practice – More reports from users Part 2

Panel discussion on READ and Transkribus



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