+ READ-COOP SCE formally established!

The READ-COOP SCE with limited liability is now formally established! Under the identification number FN 520187g it is registered in the Austrian company register. READ-COOP SCE will run and further develop the Transkribus platform and related services such as the ScanTent. We are convinced that this governance model will give us plenty of opportunities to serve the needs of our members in a highly effective, open and democratic way. READ-COOP SCE is led by the board of directors consisting of Günter Mühlberger (chair), Andy Stauder (managing director) and Melissa Terras (director). The final say is with the General meeting of all members. Currently already more than 30 institutions and private persons have joined our coop. Everyone interested in the digitisation, transcription, text recognition, and searching of historical documents is wellcome to take part and to become a member! More information.


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