Coloso Español

Free Public AI Model for Handwritten Text Recognition with Transkribus

Coloso Español

Coloso Español is a versatile AI model in Transkribus designed to transcribe a wide array of Spanish texts, from medieval manuscripts to 20th-century documents.
Developed in collaboration with the Transkribus community and supported by a multitude of researchers, it excels in handling various scripts and spellings across multiple periods.
More details and an accompanying research paper will be available soon.

Model Overview

Coloso Español
It has been coordinated by Álvaro Cuéllar with the collaboration of Stefano Bazzaco, Alba Comino, Andrés Echavarria Peláez, José Manuel Fradejas Rueda, Francisco Gago Jover, Ana García Serrano, Raquel Liceras-Garrido, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Humberto Olea Montero, Rocío Ortuño Casanova, Fernando J. Pancorbo, Milena Peralta Friedburg, Eva Sánchez-Salido, Rodrigo Vega Sánchez, Juan Carlos Vallejo Velásquez and Ezequiel Villani.
Model ID:
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 13th
Spanish, Castilian
Latin alphabet
Handwritten, Typewritten
CER on validation set:
4.80 %
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Coloso Español is freely available to everyone

Get started with Transkribus and use it for your own Material
You can use this model to automatically transcribe Handwritten, Typewritten documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus. This model can be used in the Transkribus Expert Client as well as in Transkribus Lite.
This AI model was trained to automatically convert text from images of historical Latin alphabet documents into editable and searchable text.