The webinar is intended for everyone planning to teach Transkribus in the fall or at the beginning of next year. It aims to train both new and experienced Transkribus users to teach Transkribus to undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, staff working in the GLAM sector and volunteers on crowdsourcing projects.
The webinar will be divided into two sessions. The first will explain in-depth Transkribus Lite and Transkribus eXpert and all the available features. The second session will focus on the best ways to teach Transkribus, how to organise a workshop, what teaching and learning materials are already available, and how Transkribus can be used to engage students and volunteers.
The first session is on September 6, from 2.00 PM to 5.30 PM CEST.
The second session is on September 7, from 2.00 PM to 5.30 PM CEST.
If interested and able to join both sessions, please fill out the form below. The number of participants will be limited for the webinar to be productive and to have time to ask questions and discuss. If requests exceed the available places, we will be happy to organise another webinar in the following months.