+ Transkribus User Conference 2017 – registration now open!

The wait is over – registration for the Transkribus User Conference 2017 is now open!

Join us at the Technical University Vienna on 2-3 November 2017 to find out more about the capabilities of Transkribus and the latest research into Automated Text Recognition for handwritten texts.

The Transkribus User Conference will be a forum for new and more experienced users of our Transkribus platform to come together and learn more about possibilities for the automatic processing of handwritten historical documents.  We will hear about cutting-edge advances in keyword searching, layout analysis and text2image matching.  Participants will also get the chance to try out new tools being developed by the READ project, such as our e-learning app, our DocScan mobile app and Writer Identification technology.  What is more, there will be lots of opportunities to give feedback to Transkribus developers and ask questions about how automated processing can work with your documents.



The conference registration fee is 50 EUR for regular participants and 25 EUR for students.  If you are having any difficulties with the conference fee, let us know and we will see if we can help.

Registration for the conference will be open until 20 October 2017.

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Tamara Terbul (Tamara.Terbul@uibk.ac.at).

We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna!


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